RNA Secondary Structure Folding

This module contains all functions related to thermodynamic folding of RNAs. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for RNA Secondary Structure Folding:


 Calculating Minimum Free Energy (MFE) Structures
 This module contains all functions and variables related to the calculation of global minimum free energy structures for single sequences.
 Calculating Partition Functions and Pair Probabilities
 This section provides information about all functions and variables related to the calculation of the partition function and base pair probabilities.
 Enumerating Suboptimal Structures
 Calculate Secondary Structures of two RNAs upon Dimerization
 Predict structures formed by two molecules upon hybridization.
 Predicting Consensus Structures from Alignment(s)
 compute various properties (consensus MFE structures, partition function, Boltzmann distributed stochastic samples, ...) for RNA sequence alignments
 Predicting Locally stable structures of large sequences
 Change and Precalculate Energy Parameter Sets and Boltzmann Factors
 All relevant functions to retrieve and copy precalculated energy parameter sets as well as reading/writing the energy parameter set from/to file(s).
 Energy evaluation
 This module contains all functions and variables related to energy evaluation of sequence/structure pairs.
 Searching Sequences for Predefined Structures
 Classified Dynamic Programming

Detailed Description

This module contains all functions related to thermodynamic folding of RNAs.