Predicting Consensus Structures from Alignment(s)

compute various properties (consensus MFE structures, partition function, Boltzmann distributed stochastic samples, ...) for RNA sequence alignments More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Predicting Consensus Structures from Alignment(s):


 MFE Consensus Structures for Sequence Alignment(s)
 Partition Function and Base Pair Probabilities for Sequence Alignment(s)
 Stochastic Backtracking of Consensus Structures from Sequence Alignment(s)
 Local MFE consensus structures for Sequence Alignments


file  alifold.h
 compute various properties (consensus MFE structures, partition function, Boltzmann distributed stochastic samples, ...) for RNA sequence alignments


int get_mpi (char *Alseq[], int n_seq, int length, int *mini)
 Get the mean pairwise identity in steps from ?to?(ident) More...
float ** readribosum (char *name)
 Read a ribosum or other user-defined scoring matrix.
float energy_of_alistruct (const char **sequences, const char *structure, int n_seq, float *energy)
 Calculate the free energy of a consensus structure given a set of aligned sequences. More...
void encode_ali_sequence (const char *sequence, short *S, short *s5, short *s3, char *ss, unsigned short *as, int circ)
 Get arrays with encoded sequence of the alignment. More...
void alloc_sequence_arrays (const char **sequences, short ***S, short ***S5, short ***S3, unsigned short ***a2s, char ***Ss, int circ)
 Allocate memory for sequence array used to deal with aligned sequences. More...
void free_sequence_arrays (unsigned int n_seq, short ***S, short ***S5, short ***S3, unsigned short ***a2s, char ***Ss)
 Free the memory of the sequence arrays used to deal with aligned sequences. More...
int get_alipf_arrays (short ***S_p, short ***S5_p, short ***S3_p, unsigned short ***a2s_p, char ***Ss_p, double **qb_p, double **qm_p, double **q1k_p, double **qln_p, short **pscore)
 Get pointers to (almost) all relavant arrays used in alifold's partition function computation. More...


double cv_fact
 This variable controls the weight of the covariance term in the energy function of alignment folding algorithms. More...
double nc_fact
 This variable controls the magnitude of the penalty for non-compatible sequences in the covariance term of alignment folding algorithms. More...

Detailed Description

compute various properties (consensus MFE structures, partition function, Boltzmann distributed stochastic samples, ...) for RNA sequence alignments

Consensus structures can be predicted by a modified version of the fold() algorithm that takes a set of aligned sequences instead of a single sequence. The energy function consists of the mean energy averaged over the sequences, plus a covariance term that favors pairs with consistent and compensatory mutations and penalizes pairs that cannot be formed by all structures. For details see[6] and [2].

Function Documentation

int get_mpi ( char *  Alseq[],
int  n_seq,
int  length,
int *  mini 

Get the mean pairwise identity in steps from ?to?(ident)

n_seqThe number of sequences in the alignment
lengthThe length of the alignment
The mean pairwise identity
float energy_of_alistruct ( const char **  sequences,
const char *  structure,
int  n_seq,
float *  energy 

Calculate the free energy of a consensus structure given a set of aligned sequences.

sequencesThe NULL terminated array of sequences
structureThe consensus structure
n_seqThe number of sequences in the alignment
energyA pointer to an array of at least two floats that will hold the free energies (energy[0] will contain the free energy, energy[1] will be filled with the covariance energy term)
free energy in kcal/mol
void encode_ali_sequence ( const char *  sequence,
short *  S,
short *  s5,
short *  s3,
char *  ss,
unsigned short *  as,
int  circ 

Get arrays with encoded sequence of the alignment.

this function assumes that in S, S5, s3, ss and as enough space is already allocated (size must be at least sequence length+2)

sequenceThe gapped sequence from the alignment
Spointer to an array that holds encoded sequence
s5pointer to an array that holds the next base 5' of alignment position i
s3pointer to an array that holds the next base 3' of alignment position i
circassume the molecules to be circular instead of linear (circ=0)
void alloc_sequence_arrays ( const char **  sequences,
short ***  S,
short ***  S5,
short ***  S3,
unsigned short ***  a2s,
char ***  Ss,
int  circ 

Allocate memory for sequence array used to deal with aligned sequences.

Note that these arrays will also be initialized according to the sequence alignment given

See Also
sequencesThe aligned sequences
SA pointer to the array of encoded sequences
S5A pointer to the array that contains the next 5' nucleotide of a sequence position
S3A pointer to the array that contains the next 3' nucleotide of a sequence position
a2sA pointer to the array that contains the alignment to sequence position mapping
SsA pointer to the array that contains the ungapped sequence
circassume the molecules to be circular instead of linear (circ=0)
void free_sequence_arrays ( unsigned int  n_seq,
short ***  S,
short ***  S5,
short ***  S3,
unsigned short ***  a2s,
char ***  Ss 

Free the memory of the sequence arrays used to deal with aligned sequences.

This function frees the memory previously allocated with alloc_sequence_arrays()

See Also
n_seqThe number of aligned sequences
SA pointer to the array of encoded sequences
S5A pointer to the array that contains the next 5' nucleotide of a sequence position
S3A pointer to the array that contains the next 3' nucleotide of a sequence position
a2sA pointer to the array that contains the alignment to sequence position mapping
SsA pointer to the array that contains the ungapped sequence
int get_alipf_arrays ( short ***  S_p,
short ***  S5_p,
short ***  S3_p,
unsigned short ***  a2s_p,
char ***  Ss_p,
double **  qb_p,
double **  qm_p,
double **  q1k_p,
double **  qln_p,
short **  pscore 

Get pointers to (almost) all relavant arrays used in alifold's partition function computation.

To obtain meaningful pointers, call alipf_fold first!
See Also
pf_alifold(), alipf_circ_fold()
S_pA pointer to the 'S' array (integer representation of nucleotides)
S5_pA pointer to the 'S5' array
S3_pA pointer to the 'S3' array
a2s_pA pointer to the pair type matrix
Ss_pA pointer to the 'Ss' array
qb_pA pointer to the QB matrix
qm_pA pointer to the QM matrix
q1k_pA pointer to the 5' slice of the Q matrix ( $q1k(k) = Q(1, k)$)
qln_pA pointer to the 3' slice of the Q matrix ( $qln(l) = Q(l, n)$)
Non Zero if everything went fine, 0 otherwise

Variable Documentation

double cv_fact

This variable controls the weight of the covariance term in the energy function of alignment folding algorithms.

Default is 1.

double nc_fact

This variable controls the magnitude of the penalty for non-compatible sequences in the covariance term of alignment folding algorithms.

Default is 1.