+ Collaboration diagram for MFE Consensus Structures for Sequence Alignment(s):


float alifold (const char **strings, char *structure)
 Compute MFE and according consensus structure of an alignment of sequences. More...
float circalifold (const char **strings, char *structure)
 Compute MFE and according structure of an alignment of sequences assuming the sequences are circular instead of linear. More...
void free_alifold_arrays (void)
 Free the memory occupied by MFE alifold functions.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

float alifold ( const char **  strings,
char *  structure 

Compute MFE and according consensus structure of an alignment of sequences.

This function predicts the consensus structure for the aligned 'sequences' and returns the minimum free energy; the mfe structure in bracket notation is returned in 'structure'.

Sufficient space must be allocated for 'structure' before calling alifold().

stringsA pointer to a NULL terminated array of character arrays
structureA pointer to a character array that may contain a constraining consensus structure (will be overwritten by a consensus structure that exhibits the MFE)
The free energy score in kcal/mol
float circalifold ( const char **  strings,
char *  structure 

Compute MFE and according structure of an alignment of sequences assuming the sequences are circular instead of linear.

stringsA pointer to a NULL terminated array of character arrays
structureA pointer to a character array that may contain a constraining consensus structure (will be overwritten by a consensus structure that exhibits the MFE)
The free energy score in kcal/mol