Stochastic backtracking in the Ensemble
+ Collaboration diagram for Stochastic backtracking in the Ensemble:


 Stochastic Backtracking of Consensus Structures from Sequence Alignment(s)
 Stochastic Backtracking of Structures from Distance Based Partitioning
 Contains functions related to stochastic backtracking from a specified distance class.


char * pbacktrack (char *sequence)
 Sample a secondary structure from the Boltzmann ensemble according its probability
. More...
char * pbacktrack_circ (char *sequence)
 Sample a secondary structure of a circular RNA from the Boltzmann ensemble according its probability. More...


int st_back
 Flag indicating that auxilary arrays are needed throughout the computations. This is essential for stochastic backtracking. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

char* pbacktrack ( char *  sequence)

Sample a secondary structure from the Boltzmann ensemble according its probability

pf_fold_par() or pf_fold() have to be called first to fill the partition function matrices
sequenceThe RNA sequence
A sampled secondary structure in dot-bracket notation
char* pbacktrack_circ ( char *  sequence)

Sample a secondary structure of a circular RNA from the Boltzmann ensemble according its probability.

This function does the same as pbacktrack() but assumes the RNA molecule to be circular

st_back has to be set to 1 before calling pf_fold() or pf_fold_par()
pf_fold_par() or pf_circ_fold() have to be called first to fill the partition function matrices
sequenceThe RNA sequence
A sampled secondary structure in dot-bracket notation

Variable Documentation

int st_back

Flag indicating that auxilary arrays are needed throughout the computations. This is essential for stochastic backtracking.

Set this variable to 1 prior to a call of pf_fold() to ensure that all matrices needed for stochastic backtracking are filled in the forward recursions

See Also
pbacktrack(), pbacktrack_circ