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Search predicted motif combinations

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(Please input corresponding IDs for thespecified "search by" and seperate multiple keywords by",". e.g: MOD100,MOD105 when searching "Predicted motif combination ids".)

How to Search

  • Search by: Predicted motif combination ids: This means you can search predicted motif combinations by using the combination id. e.g.: if you want to search the combination with combination id MOD101, just simply input MOD101 as the keyword and then click the Search Combinations! For all motif combiantions, please check s2 in the download directory Download.
  • Search by: Predicted motifs in combination This means you can search the combinations by using predicted motifs in combinations. e.g.: if you want to get all the combinations with motif M151 and M0. Then you can input the M151,M0 as the keywords. Note that you need to use "," to separate multiple predicted motif IDs if you have multiple. For all predicted motifs, please check s1 in the download directory Download
  • Search by: Known motif combinations This means you can search the combinations which are consistent with known cis-regulatory sequence combinations. Seven known cis-regulatory sequence combinations have been used in this server. They are bzip_bzip,bzip_dof,bzip_myb bhlh_myb,mads_mads,rav1,zmhox2a. e.g.: If you want to search combinations which are consistent with bzip+dof, just input "bzip_dof" as the keywords. Mutiple keywords should be sepearted by ",". If you want to get all combinations which are consisent with any of these 7 know combinations, you can get them from download directory.
  • Search by: Co-expressed in which GEO dataset This means you can search the combinations, whose target genes significantly co-expressed in given GEO dataset. e.g.: if you want to search all the combinations,whose target genes significantly co-expressed in GSE30646, you can just input GSE30646 as the key word. The following 4 GEO datsets have been used: GSE20860,GSE20861,GSE30646 and GSE30648. For all co-expression information ,you can check s4 and s6 in the download directory Download
  • Search by: Target genes in C.reinhardtii This means you can search the combinations with specific target genes in C.reinhardtii. e.g.: if you want to search combinations, which have target gene Cre24.g770400 (Locus name got from http://www.phytozome.net/) in C.reinhardtii, then input "Cre24.g770400" as the keyword. Multiple keywords should be seperated by ",".

  • This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CBET1125676. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF)