Reading/Writing energy parameter sets from/to File

Read and Write energy parameter sets from and to text files. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Reading/Writing energy parameter sets from/to File:


 Converting energy parameter files
 Convert energy parameter files into the latest format.


file  read_epars.h


void read_parameter_file (const char fname[])
 Read energy parameters from a file. More...
void write_parameter_file (const char fname[])
 Write energy parameters to a file. More...

Detailed Description

Read and Write energy parameter sets from and to text files.

A default set of parameters, identical to the one described in [9] and[13], is compiled into the library.

Function Documentation

void read_parameter_file ( const char  fname[])

Read energy parameters from a file.

fnameThe path to the file containing the energy parameters
void write_parameter_file ( const char  fname[])

Write energy parameters to a file.

fnameA filename (path) for the file where the current energy parameters will be written to